Without this, you have no business!
Everyone has one. And if you don’t, then you’re doing it wrong.
I’m talking about an ideal customer. Your dream client. Those people you’re most passionate about working with and want to help the most. These are the people you imagined helping when you started your business.
When you're just starting, it’s easy to think, “Everyone could use my product or service.” And maybe that’s true. But the problem with too broad of a reach is it becomes impossible to target your message. When you try to speak to everyone, you wind up speaking to no one.
We get it. As a new business owner, you need customers. And you aren’t in the position to be picky. But it’s critical to remember – by clearly defining your ideal customer, you’re able to create messaging that is much more targeted and engages your customers on a deeper level.
And this will be more effective in the long run as you build up your client base because engaged customers become paying customers.
So, how do you create your ideal customer avatar? You want to build a persona of your ideal customer. First, you want a clear understanding of their demographics:
Age Range
Income Bracket
Relationship Status
This allows you to create messaging they can identify and connect with.
Then you want to understand their likes:
Where do they shop?
What brands do they love?
What influencers do they follow?
What pages do they like on social media?
This allows you to focus your marketing efforts and ad dollars where your ideal customers spend their time.
As a business owner, you need to focus your time and energy on lots of different areas. But defining your ideal customer early on will ensure the other parts of your business are aligned with your objectives.
If you want to learn more about defining your ideal customer and its impact on your sales and marketing materials, click below to schedule your 30-minute complimentary consultation.