Extra! Extra! Read all about it.

We see this all too often when we visit websites. And it kinda drives us crazy. Landing on a business' homepage and seeing a captivating image. But then we must scroll down and search to LEARN what they do.

 Eye-catching images are great for Instagram, but websites should answer my questions. And if I'm going to your website, my main question probably is "can you solve my problem?" Or, "do you have what I'm looking for?"  

 If you think of your website as real estate, then your homepage is Park Avenue.

This is your make-or-break space.

 You have a brief amount of time (3 to 5 seconds) to assure website visitors that they are in the right place. Don't waste their time and your opportunity to get a new customer by taking up the whole screen with images only (and please don't take that space up with carousel images.) You need to seize the moment and tell them, "Yes. I can help you" through clear and concise copy.  

 When we review a client's website, the Above the Fold Test is the first thing we do. Its name comes from the newspaper world (the main source of information pre-internet), and all the most important stories are "above the fold."

 The test is simple.

Step 1. Go to your website homepage


Step 3. Have you clearly explained what you offer potential customers and how you help them in the portion on the screen? Or do you show a beautiful image?

 Too many businesses do not capitalize on this space enough and waste their opportunity to connect by showing attractive images instead of using strong messaging that immediately tells visitors what they do. How they can help. And how customers can buy from you.

 You have such a short amount of time to get and KEEP a website visitor's attention, and you need to maximize every second possible. So, what should you do with that space?


Tell your visitors three things:

  1. What do you offer

  2. How will it help them (This is critical)

  3. What do they need to do to buy from you


Think of this as your one-liner.

Examples –

  • Home Builder: "Building homes your family dreams about living in. Book an Appointment"

  • Lawyer: "Winning cases for our clients without the stress of a lawsuit. Schedule a Consultation"


Hey! What’s in it for me?


Hint: Your top salesperson isn’t you