Ending the Year Strong with Last Minute Sales

While it might be hard to believe, we’re nearing the end of another tumultuous year. For better or worse, we are firmly in Q4, and most of us are looking at the last weeks on the calendar as we begin our final efforts to close out the year strong.

 Maybe you’ve had a good year. Perhaps it was a GREAT year. Or maybe your year was much like 2021, and you started it with great expectations that never really materialized. Whatever the case may be, there is still time to focus on growing your sales; if you position your product or service appropriately.  


Here are four ways to position your offerings to your ideal customer to generate last-minute sales:

Unused funds in 2021 budgets – If you sell to other businesses (B2B), it’s important to understand many of them likely have unspent funds in their 2021 budget. Most companies (and let’s face it, most people) expected COVID to be largely under control this year. And they allocated money for travel and entertainment. They may have even budgeted more than usual to make up for 2020. Alas, many trips and events didn’t happen. So funds went unspent. And many companies have a surplus in their budget that they want to use in Q4. Because if they don’t spend it, they will lose it the next year. If your business is B2B, then now is the time to be reaching out to past and potential customers and encourage them to use some of those unspent funds before they are gone.

Price increases on the horizon – If you’re like many businesses, you increase pricing yearly, and the beginning of the year is a common time to make this change. If you have potential clients you’ve spoken with who remain on the fence about buying from you, a well-written email notifying them of your impending rate increase (so book now to lock in 2021 pricing) might be just the push they need to buy from you.

Laying the foundation for a solid start to the new year –Do you provide a service that helps other businesses grow? If the answer is yes, then Q4 is a typical time for business owners to focus on strategic planning or adopting initiatives to start the new year right. Help them understand that winning sales strategies or marketing campaigns take months to create and implement before producing positive results. So now is the time to begin the foundational work that will deliver the results they want in 2022.

 Monitoring trends and adjusting – Perhaps your business is in a space that is undergoing a major transformation. And let’s face it, lots of companies have experienced a significant change in the past 1 ½ years. But staying up on your industry’s trends and your ideal customer’s preferences is key to adjusting your offerings. Now more than ever, we need to listen to what our clients want and be flexible. There will likely be permanent changes in many businesses due to the pandemic and its effects on the economy. Being an early adopter to these changes could position you as a market leader.

Are you looking to create a compelling sales email that will encourage would-be customers to become paying customers? Schedule a time to discuss simple messaging changes that can result in more wins for your business.


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