You want me to do what?
Step 1: You've updated your website copy.
Step 2: Your one-liner sits above the fold on your homepage and explains what you do and how you can help.
Step 3: And your one-liner is compelling enough to keep your ideal customer on your site because you've connected with them through a deep understanding of their pain points.
Now what?
A strong Call to Action (CTA)!
A strong CTA is so important because this is why you want people to come to your website. So they take the step from being a visitor to becoming a sales prospect.
The right CTA for your business depends on the cost and complexity of what you're selling. If you're selling inexpensive products, you want your visitors to “Buy Now.” But if you're a business coach, a logical next step would be to “Schedule a Consult.”
Despite contrary belief, your customer wants to be told what to do.
Ok, maybe they don't want to be told what to do, but they do want to know what action to take. Because if we don't tell them what to do, they will do NOTHING!
What should be your CTA? It should be obvious and straightforward:
"Book a Call"
"Schedule a Consult"
"Buy Now"
And if your business or ideal customer is exclusive, or you want to portray exclusivity, we like "Request A Consult."
But some small business owners are too subtle in their CTA:
X "Click Here to Learn More"
X "Let's Discuss Your Needs"
Or, they try to be clever, which ends up leaving their visitors confused. Never be clever when your goal is to be clear!
You want your CTA to be concise and to the point. And in most cases, there should be only one CTA. If you have multiple CTAs on your homepage, you will confuse your ideal customer, and they won't know which action to take. Simply put, if you confuse, you lose.
Of course, some businesses need multiple CTAs throughout their website, and that's fine. But ideally, your homepage should have just one. And that CTA should be the next step you want visitors to take that will convert them to sales prospects.
Location, location, location.
Where you place your CTA matters. We always recommend the upper right-hand corner of your homepage because a website visitor's eye frequently glances at that spot. It's a common place for most websites to place action buttons and tabs (think navigation bars.)
Remember, website visitors scan pages. They don't read them. So placing the CTA up top and not buried within lots of copy, allows it to stand out more.
You also want to place the CTA in multiple places throughout your homepage and other pages on your site. You don't know what a visitor will read that will prompt action, so having a CTA button available throughout means you will have a greater chance of capturing the desired action when the mood strikes.
Is your CTA too vague? Not located in the upper right hand corner? Or only listed once on your site and at the very bottom of the page? Schedule a complimentary consult to learn easy ways to increase your website visitors' conversion rate.