Digital RevGen

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Managing Your Digital Transformation

Many organizations have been digitally transforming their business over the past several years. And once March 2020 hit, that transformation markedly accelerated. Because for many, if they wanted to stay in business during the pandemic, they had to go all-virtual overnight. And while in-person restrictions are easing considerably and face-to-face meetings are returning, one important lesson was learned. And that is: An all-virtual, all-digital world can be done. And ready or not, it’s our future.


In fact, we learned more than it’s merely possible. We realized there were things we liked about being virtual. First, it can be a huge timesaver. Traffic or not, moving from meeting to meeting is time-consuming. And depending on the nature of business being conducted, lots of “business as usual” activities can just as easily be done over Zoom, in a much more efficient manner. And for business owners, it can save a lot of money. Travel is costly, and even a 25% reduction means enormous cost and time savings. And, of course, being virtual means increased freedom. So much can be accomplished with nothing more than a laptop and a wireless connection, and the people you’re doing business with are none the wiser.


Of course, there are things we didn’t prefer, and that was in part, all Zoom all the time. Zoom fatigue is real, and let’s face it, we’re all human, and we like to connect with others. And it’s not the same over virtual platforms. The most effective sales meetings happen in person. And team bonding is a must to keep employees happy and connected. So the need to meet in person will never go away, but many relationships will likely begin over digital platforms.


Duarte Inc., based in Santa Clara, did a detailed study exploring people’s feelings about virtual presentations. Some very compelling statistics include:

  • 89% of respondents predict their organizations will embrace flex or hybrid work models

  • 93% feel virtual communication skills will be more important in the future

  • Only 25% of business meetings in 2024 will happen in person


What does this all mean? If you haven’t taken the chance to improve your digital presence, now is the time because data indicates the strong demand for a virtual world. And without a solid digital presence, your competitors have a distinct advantage because so many have already taken the necessary steps to ensure their brand is well-represented across key digital platforms. And as more digital babies enter the workforce, it won’t be a choice but instead an expectation.


What areas should you focus on:

  1. Website copy – It needs to be clear and to the point. These days people are only scanning websites. They aren’t reading paragraphs of content anymore. Your homepage message needs to quickly tell your ideal customer how you can make their lives better.

  2. Sales & Marketing Materials – You need a well-defined sales message and value proposition. And you must be able to communicate it in an email or social media profile effectively. Additionally, all sales materials should be in a digital form that you can easily share; avoid hard copies of materials (unless your clients expect it). Hard copies aren’t easy to send (especially with the delays in mail and shipping) nor friendly to the environment.

  3. Email Strategy - If the recent events of Facebook have taught us anything, it’s that social media platforms have their challenges. Sure, there are lots of benefits. But as we’ve discussed before, benefits you could lose at a moment’s notice. Consistently emailing your subscribers is still the most preferred method of communication. This includes well-curated email nurture campaigns or regular content that educates and engages your past, current, and potential customers.


Now is the ideal time to review your digital sales and marketing materials to understand what’s working and what needs refreshing. Many service-based business owners slow down over the holidays, and that’s the ideal time to take inventory and prepare yourself to start the new year strong. Not sure where to begin or if your website could use some updating? Let’s talk!